Getting to the golden years of life is quite an achievement and is a time to be cheerished and be able to enjoy all the years you have worked hard. Just as with every other time of your life, it doesn't come without concerns and potential trials. The is where an elder law attorney at Carolina Family Estate Planning can assist you with planning for contingencies for a host of situations. We have in-depth knowledge beyond the expertise of general-practice attorneys in the following areas:

  • Long-Term Care Planning
  • Medicaid Planning
  • Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefits
  • Special Needs and Crisis Planning After Sudden Health Events

Elder Law and Estate Planning FAQs

How can an elder law attorney help with long-term care?+

The rising expense of long-term care emphasizes the importance of preparation for many middle-class elderly individuals and their families. Indeed, a majority of seniors will likely need some type of long-term care. Unfortunately, many are not financially ready for the substantial strain it puts on their family's savings. Families can face a daunting financial challenge with the ongoing care costs ranging from $3,000 to $5,000 or even higher every month. To protect their assets, a Carolina Family Estate Planning attorney can leverage in-depth knowledge in this along with estate planning instruments, like wills and trusts, to address your needs.

How can I plan for a crisis or health situation? +

We know the physical and mental difficulties that often accompany aging. We realize that wishes for your health care and how your assets should be passed on are extremely personal decisions for you that take a great deal of consideration. We help you work through difficult questions such as “do I want to be put on life support if I stop breathing?” These types of questions are not necessary to create a simple will and are often not even asked by a general attorney, but  our elder law attorneys will use them to create a set of instructions for your family’s use when they are faced with such difficult decisions.

What is Medicaid planning?

Medicaid planning involves strategies to preserve a person's assets and ensure they qualify for Medicaid, especially when needing long-term healthcare services.

Get Help Navigating the Challenges of Elder Law in North Carolina

No matter your situation, we will work tirelessly to help you develop the best plan possible. Contact us today for your free 20-minute phone consultation if we can help. You can reach us online or call us at (919) 443-3035. Our office is located in Cary, North Carolina.

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